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Returns additional ZKsync-specific information about the L2 block.


  • block: (string) [Required] The number of the block.


Object containing the details of the L2 block:

  • baseSystemContractsHashes: An object containing hashes of the base system contracts used in the transaction:
    • bootloader: The hash of the bootloader contract.
    • default_aa: The hash of the default account contract.
  • commitTxHash: The hash of the transaction committed to the network.
  • committedAt: The timestamp when the transaction was committed to the network.
  • executeTxHash: The hash of the transaction executed on the network.
  • executedAt: The timestamp when the transaction was executed on the network.
  • l1BatchNumber: The batch number of the transaction on the L1 (Ethereum) network.
  • l1GasPrice: The gas price used for the transaction on the L1 network.
  • l1TxCount: The number of transactions related to this batch on the L1 network.
  • l2FairGasPrice: The fair gas price used for the transaction on the L2 (ZKsync) network.
  • l2TxCount: The total number of transactions on the L2 network.
  • number: The transaction number.
  • operatorAddress: The address of the operator who executed the transaction.
  • proveTxHash: The hash of the proof transaction on the L1 network.
  • provenAt: The timestamp when the proof transaction was done on the L1 network.
  • rootHash: The root hash representing the state of the network after the transaction.
  • status: The status of the transaction.
  • timestamp: The timestamp of the transaction.


Replace <YOUR-API-KEY> with an API key from your Infura dashboard.


curl<YOUR-API-KEY> \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1, "method": "zks_getBlockDetails", "params": [ 140599 ]}'


"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": {
"baseSystemContractsHashes": {
"bootloader": "0x010007793a328ef16cc7086708f7f3292ff9b5eed9e7e539c184228f461bf4ef",
"default_aa": "0x0100067d861e2f5717a12c3e869cfb657793b86bbb0caa05cc1421f16c5217bc"
"commitTxHash": "0xd045e3698f018cb233c3817eb53a41a4c5b28784ffe659da246aa33bda34350c",
"committedAt": "2023-03-26T07:21:21.046817Z",
"executeTxHash": "0xbb66aa75f437bb4255cf751badfc6b142e8d4d3a4e531c7b2e737a22870ff19e",
"executedAt": "2023-03-27T07:44:52.187764Z",
"l1BatchNumber": 1617,
"l1GasPrice": 20690385511,
"l1TxCount": 0,
"l2FairGasPrice": 250000000,
"l2TxCount": 20,
"number": 140599,
"operatorAddress": "0xfeee860e7aae671124e9a4e61139f3a5085dfeee",
"proveTxHash": "0x1591e9b16ff6eb029cc865614094b2e6dd872c8be40b15cc56164941ed723a1a",
"provenAt": "2023-03-26T19:48:35.200565Z",
"rootHash": "0xf1adac176fc939313eea4b72055db0622a10bbd9b7a83097286e84e471d2e7df",
"status": "verified",
"timestamp": 1679815038
"id": 1